Two Dozen (or So) Arguments for God

Jerry L. Walls explains how arguments are good, what they’re good for, and which arguments for God work best.

George P Wood on October 15, 2018


Publishers harvested a bumper crop of atheistic books in 2006 and ’07Letters to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Breaking the Spell by Daniel C. Dennett, and God Is (Not) Great by Christopher Hitchens come readily to mind, among many others. Each of these books claimed in one way or another that belief in God was intellectually deficient, a matter of faith rather than reason.

The philosophers who contributed to Two Dozen (or So) Arguments for God beg to differ. They think there are good reasons to believe God exists. In Episode 155 of the Influence Podcast, Influence magazine Executive Editor George P. Wood talks to Jerry L. Walls about good arguments for God.

Walls is Scholar in Residence and Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University, as well as co-editor with Trent Dougherty of Two Dozen (or So) Arguments for God, which is published by Oxford University Press.


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