Influencing Gen Z Toward Christ

Three ways older Christians can encourage the next generation

Kent Ingle on February 3, 2025

Christians today have a unique opportunity to influence the next generation.

We place a high priority on the Bible, a relationship with Jesus, and sharing the good news of salvation. Believers represent many diverse ethnic and political backgrounds from around the world.

Christians are not limited to one denomination or identifier but come from a wide variety of groups and churches — like Baptist, Pentecostal, and charismatic traditions, including the Assemblies of God.

As Christians, we are uniquely positioned to influence today’s young people and help direct them toward Christ. But how?

Below are three ways older Christians can encourage the next generation of believers.


Be Rooted in the Bible

In a world of ever-shifting ideals, truths, and beliefs, we are in a unique position to point the next generation to the truth: God’s Word. It’s essential we impress Generation Z members to make the Bible their foundation.

Lifeway Research found that 79% of evangelical Christians believe the Bible is a good foundation and relevant for most daily decisions. Moreover, Lifeway revealed that 80% understand how to apply the Bible’s teaching to important questions in their lives. It’s important that we teach Gen Zers how to do the same.

Psalm 119:133,137–138 says, “Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. You are righteous, LORD, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.”

In the New Testament, Jesus tells us the importance of making His Word our foundation and daily relying on it.

Jesus says in Luke 6:47, “As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like.” He then tells the parable about the wise man who built his home’s foundation on a rock, and how, when the floods came, the house stood strong and could not be shaken.

Talk with your students about the Bible and encourage them to set it as their source of truth. Share how God and His Word have proven true in your own life. Encourage them to explore the Bible and be available to talk through any doubts or questions they might have. There are hundreds of resources available that dive into the Bible’s rich and tested history, which can also encourage them.

It’s equally important that we teach Gen Z members how to apply what Scripture says in their everyday lives. Encourage them to test what they hear against the Bible and to prayerfully weigh their beliefs.

Direct young people to ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment in their decision-making. Show them how the Bible has informed your decisions and helped guide your steps.


Share With Others

As believers, we have a unique perspective that can encourage young adults to talk about their faith.

Lifeway’s research found that 92% of evangelical Christians say believers have the responsibility to share truths from God’s Word with people who hold different views. In the same way, 70% of evangelicals have not given up on culture and try to influence it, while 89% want to promote biblical truths among people they know.

When they are rooted in the Word and guided by the Holy Spirit and their personal relationship with Christ, Gen Zers will be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God.

In Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus directs us to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

It’s important we encourage Gen Z members to follow Jesus’ command and reach out to those around them — including their friends and peers.

Surprisingly, Gen Zers are very open to learning about Christ — even outside of the Church. Nearly 8 of 10 young adults are at least somewhat motivated to discover more about Jesus, according to Barna.

Encourage young adults to be open about talking with their unsaved friends regarding Christ. Remind them that they don’t need the right words to say or feel anxious. Instead, encourage them to look for opportunities where they can share how Christ has impacted their own lives and how He has given them hope, peace, and joy.

By talking about a personal relationship with Christ, Gen Zers will find it easier to openly share their faith as opportunities arise and open the door for future conversations with their friends. One of the best places they can do that is in the workplace.


View Work as a Ministry

As mature believers, we can encourage young adults to make a difference in the lives of those around them for Christ — especially at work.

Lifeway found that 78% of evangelical Christians see work as a sacred gift from God. Moreover, nearly 8 of 10 agree that they have an obligation to care for the people they work with.

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus tells us, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Colossians 3:23–24 says “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

For Gen Zers, having a sense of purpose is important for their job satisfaction and well-being, according to Deloitte. Yet, a recent survey by MetLife found that 38% of Gen Z employees are unhappy at work.

As Christians, we have a unique opportunity to step into this gap and help give Gen Z employees the purpose they so desperately seek while working.

Talk with your young adults about their employment. Ask them how they feel about their jobs, co-workers, and supervisors. Encourage them to invite Christ into those relationships and ask for wisdom and discernment in stressful situations.

Instruct young people to view their work as a ministry opportunity for the Lord. Remind them that their jobs can be more than just a paycheck and if they allow Christ to use them, their unique positions and perspectives can make a difference in the lives of those around them.

By working with excellence and remaining open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, Gen Zers can find the purpose they crave in their workplaces — even if it’s not an ideal employment or job. They can still create deep, fulfilling relationships with their co-workers and share the hope they have found in Christ.

Believers today have a unique opportunity to come alongside the next generation and lead its members to Christ. By being intentional in our relationships and pointing Gen Zers to Jesus and His Word, we can empower them to develop their own relationships with the Lord that will change how they live, see the world, and interact with those around them.

And I believe that when they are rooted in the Word and guided by the Holy Spirit and their personal relationship with Christ, Gen Zers will be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God.

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