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A Third of Americans Say Religion Is Out of Date

Majority still maintain faith is relevant

Influence Magazine on June 6, 2017

In a recent Gallup poll, 34 percent of U.S. adults said religion is “largely old fashioned and out of date” — up from just 7 percent who said this six decades ago in 1957.

Among the religious “nones,” or respondents claiming no religious affiliation, 81 percent say religion is out of date. Nearly 20 percent of Protestant Christians and 28 percent of Catholics agree.

Meanwhile, 55 percent of all Americans — and 77 percent of Protestants — believe religion is relevant and capable of answering all or most of today’s problems.

Only a third of respondents who seldom or never attend church say religion can answer today’s problems, compared to 85 percent of weekly attenders and 69 percent of those attending at least once a month.

By political affiliation, 41 percent of Democrats, 40 percent of Independents, and 21 percent of Republicans believe religion is out of date and old-fashioned.

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