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Worship Songwriting Tips

Former North Central University professor offers advice in new book

Kristi Northup on January 19, 2018

Last summer, one of my former professors from North Central University in Minneapolis asked me to take a look at a book he was working on about songwriting. I have to admit, I was a little nervous, because when it’s someone you have worked with and admire, you just hope against hope that it’s not too bad.

My reservations were unfounded. In all honesty, I was blown away by this book. I was undone. I was amazed that this instructor I have sat under and learned so much from has more to say than ever before.

David J. Pedde simply brings his teaching notes to paper in this foundational book, Worship Songwriting Tips: 30 Days to Better Writing. Whether you are a seasoned professional with a degree or just beginning to dip your toe into the vast river of writing music, this book has the potential to pierce your heart and help you focus on the things that matter.

I’ve read and reviewed a few books this past year in the area of worship and the arts. I understand that sometimes they begin as a thesis for a graduate degree, but sometimes they read that way as well. It was so refreshing to read a short foreword and immediately get into the content.

This is a simple read that will challenge your soul and your intellect alike.

Like myself, most of the people in the field of worship arts are not in school, and they don’t have the time or energy to sift through a few hundred pages to find some nuggets of inspiration. From Page 1, every page in Worship Songwriting Tips has something concise and simple to meditate on. No fancy language, just straightforward truth.

It stays simple, and it stays profound. Building a foundation on spiritual disciplines, it’s evident that the words are written by someone who truly knows God. And the purpose of that is not just self-enrichment; it is the underpinning of responsibility as a worship leader to communicate an accurate portrayal of the character of God. This comes through a love of Scripture, good theology, and personal revelation, while intentionally avoiding narcissistic worship.

Primarily, the tips are related to writing lyrics, which I find to be the most important aspect of Christian songwriting. Challenging readers to use a thesaurus, write regularly and use the Psalms as inspiration are a few of the practical ideas presented. But it doesn’t end with lyrics, which is where many worship songs stop.

Pedde challenges readers to think about aspects such as form, singability, melody and rhythm. He gives practical advice for developing each and sums it up with these words: “A great song is great in every aspect: melody, harmony, rhythm and lyric.”

It makes my heart happy to be able to recommend this book wholeheartedly. I recommend reading it as it is intended: one chapter a day. Meditate on it and apply. Even if you are not a songwriter, but a worship leader or a creative in another field, this is a simple read that will challenge your soul and your intellect alike.

Book Reviewed

David J. Pedde, Worship Songwriting Tips: 30 Days to Better Writing (Toronto: MAKERmusicMakers, 2017).

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