
 the shape of leadership

Toward a Brighter Future

The National Black Fellowship’s vision of Christ-centered renewal

Walter Harvey on January 15, 2018

It’s no secret that America’s minorities are struggling — economically, socially and spiritually. That’s one reason why the Assemblies of God National Black Fellowship and many of our ethnic fellowships exist.

For the last six years, I’ve had the privilege of serving as vice president of the National Black Fellowship, a movement of hope across America. We exist to develop and deploy African-Americans as leaders and church planters.

We exist to develop and deploy African-Americans as leaders and church planters.

We need such movements in cities like Milwaukee, to proclaim Christ through both words and actions.

In a time when people are questioning the relevance of the Church, God is empowering men and women to step up and lead compassionately in places of desperation, dysfunction and chaos.

I dream of inner cities with safe streets, clean neighborhoods, intact families, ample and fair employment opportunities, well-educated children with healthy self-esteem, and good relationships between citizens and their government officials. I believe it begins with churches making disciples, training leaders and equipping the next generation to follow Jesus.

Please pray that peripheral distractions, cultural divisions and a lack of resources will not prevent the Church from accomplishing the work of God and achieving the vision of Christ-centered renewal.

This article originally appeared in the January/February 2018 edition of Influence magazine.

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