
 the shape of leadership

Making Men Missional Disciples

Sunday, January 28, is National Men's Ministries Day in the Assemblies of God.

Mandy Kennedy on January 26, 2018

Editor's Note: Sunday, January 28, is National Men's Ministries Day in the Assemblies of God.

The U.S. church has work to do when it comes to reaching and discipling men. Consider these figures compiled by the Washington Area Coalition of Men’s Ministries, a nondenominational organization:

  • The average man accepts the reality of Jesus Christ, but fails to see any value in going to church. More than 90 percent of men in the U.S. believe in God, and more than 80 percent identify as Christians. Yet only one-third attend church on any given Sunday.
  • Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. churches have established and maintained a vibrant men’s ministry, and fewer than 1 percent of churchgoing men participate in an ongoing men’s ministry program.

It is time to reverse these trends and give men the opportunity, resources and ability to not only follow Christ, but to become missional disciples that will live out godly principles in their lives, their homes, the church and the marketplace.

It is time to give men the opportunity, resources and ability to not only follow Christ, but to become missional disciples.

When men become the missional disciples in their homes, they become more involved in the local church. In turn, they will be men who serve their  communities and share their faith. If we can provide the necessary resources, we will witness God doing incredible things in the lives of men.

Recognizing the need is one thing, but how do we address it? How can we reach the men in our local churches and communities?

At General Council 2017 in Anaheim, California, the Assemblies of God National Men’s Ministries Department launched new discipleship resources in the form of small group studies. The resources cover four dimensions of manhood: identity, relationship, purpose and vision. These free resources are readily available to assist pastors in helping men overcome struggles in these dimensions of their lives.  

National Men’s Ministries has 42 series with 177 small group lessons that a pastor or men’s leader can download for free. Of these, eight series and 38 small group lessons have been translated into Spanish. These studies encompass three faith levels for every man: Courage (discovering Christ), Strength (strengthen and grow deeper in Christ),and Endurance (finding deeper spiritual purpose).

Jimmy White, director of Men’s Discipleship, is also developing additional small group resources with a biblical focus, starting with the Gospel of John. Men’s Ministries Department will also launch nine specific studies targeting different areas of men’s lives over the next year. January 28, 2018, is National Men’s Ministries Day in the Assemblies of God. The 2018 National Men’s Ministries theme is “Courage.” Theme resources are available for free.

To find out more about our discipleship resources, the 2018 Courage theme, and access daily devotions for men, visit us online.

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