
 the shape of leadership

How a Challenge for More Baptisms Can Spark a Fresh Fire

A Q & A with Rick Ross

Influence Magazine on February 22, 2018

Pastor Rick Ross has been the superintendent of the North Carolina District of the Assemblies of God (NCAG) for a little over a year. At his inaugural district council, he laid out a big challenge to meet a huge need that God put on his heart. Inspiring pastors in his district and across the country, Ross says water baptisms are the main way we know whether we’re fulfilling the Great Commission.

INFLUENCE: What has God been showing you lately when it comes to churches in your district?
As I read the first two chapters of Acts again, I was reminded that God interrupted the world not only to fill His disciples with this amazing gift of the Holy Spirit, but to give them power to change the world. The immediate response was over 3,000 people saved and baptized in water that day. I was inspired to believe that we could recapture that.

I am believing for another move of the Spirit in North Carolina that will result in 3,000 people being baptized in water. The goal will be for each church to baptize a number of people equal to 10 percent of their current Sunday morning attendance. That’s a very attainable goal.

Why is water baptism such an important part of your initiative?
I wanted to find one thing that all our churches could rally around. Water baptisms are soaking-wet proof we are about Kingdom business. When our churches focus on salvation, something great happens.

“Water baptisms are soaking-wet proof we are about Kingdom business.” — Rick Ross

When you look at it, what is salvation? Are we just interested in how many hands are raised or how many lives are changed? Salvation requires a commitment. And asking people to be baptized in water is a way to separate real commitments from emotional responses.

What resources are you providing to see your vision become reality?
First, we handed out wristbands that say, “I am 1 of 3,000.” Each time someone is baptized in an NCAG church, they get a wristband and get their picture taken. We post the pictures all over social media to stir up interest and motivation in our churches.

We also provide portable baptism tanks for churches that may need them. And we’re offering four, one-day seminars on Overcoming Growth Barriers for churches. At our first seminar, we had over 100 churches in attendance.

How have churches responded so far?
The response has been a whole new dimension of excitement all over North Carolina AG. The gift of the Holy Spirit is more than a doctrine we hold to. It is a life-changing event that must radically change the way we do business. And we’re seeing a fresh wind blowing through NCAG churches.

This article originally appeared in the January/February 2018 edition of Influence magazine.

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