
 the shape of leadership

3 Ways to Foster Creativity When Leading Staff

Visionary leaders need staff who can think outside the box

Influence Magazine on October 19, 2016

In Mark Batterson’s words, “Creativity is the natural, supernatural byproduct of a Spirit-filled life.” As the Church, we should use every tool at our disposal to make Christ known in our communities and nation. Often, this means getting innovative.

But what do you do if your staff doesn’t quite catch the vision? A recent article from Forbes shares some examples on how you can use leadership to foster creativity in others.

1. Trust Your Staff

According to Forbes, “Employees are more creative when they know they are trusted.” When staff members start with a blank slate and are trusted to accomplish the vision, you’ll spend less time having to coach them through simple processes.

2. Allow Them to Fail

When you tell your creative employees that it’s OK to fail sometimes, Forbes says they are more likely to not fail. According to Forbes, “When you eliminate the pressure for perfection, you open up more ways for your employees to reach greatness.

3. Use Resources to Support Staff Ideas

This could be as simple as reworking the budget to support a creative idea in the kids or youth ministry. When your staff feels like they can dream big over their specific area, just watch the whole church grow!

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