Stress, Worry and Anger Are on the Rise in the U.S.

Americans are more stressed than most around the globe

Influence Magazine on May 15, 2019

Stress, worry and anger are on the rise among U.S. adults and teens, a recent Gallup poll reveals.

More Americans were stressed, worried and angry in 2018 than at most points in the past decade, with a majority reporting high stress levels.

Answering questions about their feelings the day prior to the poll, 55 percent said they had experienced a lot of stress (compared to 44 percent who said this in 2008). Nearly half (45 percent) said they had worried a lot, versus 34 percent in 2008. And 22 percent said they felt a lot of anger, up from 16 percent a decade earlier.

U.S. stress levels were among the highest of 143 nations surveyed, exceeding the global average (35 percent) by 20 percentage points. Only Greece, the Philippines and Tanzania had higher stress levels. The U.S. tied with Albania, Iran and Sri Lanka.

Americans were 6 percentage points above the global average for worry and were within the average for anger, while U.S. citizens 49 and younger were the most likely to be stressed and worried. The largest share of angry Americans were aged 15 to 29 (35 percent).

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