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Influence Receives Christian Publishing Honors

Evangelical Press Association gives magazine high marks

Influence Magazine on April 25, 2022

Influence magazine garnered 10 awards, including the prestigious Award of Excellence, during the recent Evangelical Press Association (EPA) convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The EPA awards, announced annually in April, honor the best in Christian publishing from the previous calendar year.

The Awards of Excellence competition is based on overall excellence in Christian publishing. Judges evaluate writing quality, content choices, imagery and design.

Influence also received nine Higher Goals in Christian Journalism awards — the most in its seven-year publishing history.

“This recognition reflects the hard work our authors, editors, and designers put in to make each issue of the magazine the best it can be.” — George P. Wood

EPA’s Higher Goals competition honors individual, original aspects of a publication, such as writing, photography, or design.

Influence garnered Higher Goals awards in the categories of Biblical Exposition (“Ministry Without Walls”); Evangelism Article (“Fishing on the Other Side of the Boat”); First-Person Article (“New Life After Abortion”); General Article: Medium (“Being Comfortable in Your Own Skin”); Interview Article (“Every Nation and Tribe”); Standing Column (Ministry: Preaching articles “Finding Jesus in the Old Testament” and “Preaching and Lived Experience”); Two-Page Spread Design; Publication Design; and Publication Redesign.

“This is the second year in a row that EPA has given the Award of Excellence to Influence in the Christian Ministry category,” says George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine. “This recognition reflects the hard work our authors, editors, and designers put in to make each issue of the magazine the best it can be. As executive editor, I could not be more grateful for their contributions every quarter.”

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