Perfect Time for Bible Engagement

A pastor reviews the Bible Engagement Project

Headrick Hunkin on January 19, 2021

A pandemic turned out to be the perfect time to launch Bible Engagement Project at my church, Lighthouse Outreach Center (Assembly of God) in Waipahu, Hawaii. This curriculum became a powerful resource for our people as we transitioned ministry online in 2020.

Since last August, I have encouraged my congregants to use the app-based curriculum for family devotions at home. The app has lessons for all ages. Families can come together whenever it is convenient to have devotions.

Some of our families have told me the app helped them discover things they never knew about the Bible. Others have commented on how relevant the Bible lessons are to their everyday lives. They’re seeing biblical truths unfolding in current events.

I am a firm believer in the transformative power of family. The Church of today is birthed in the family, and that’s where we need the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us more than ever.

I invest in family discipleship for our ministerial team, too. In fact, I reminded our leaders to pastor their families while we were meeting online. Bible Engagement Project made that task easier.

There is simply nothing like studying the Bible as a family.

From the outset, I have instituted this in my own family as well, and I can attest firsthand to the power of family devotions in my multigenerational setting. Instead of just teaching my family from behind a pulpit, I’m now sitting at my dining room table, leading them through the weekly devotions.

We have a wide range of ages in our family. Children, teenagers and adults all show interest in the lessons, asking questions that lead to great discussions and teaching opportunities.

There is simply nothing like studying the Bible as a family. Bible Engagement Project has helped usher in moments in which we encounter the presence of God together.

What initially motivated me to subscribe were the statistics from Barna Group about the lack of biblical literacy among Christians, including those in our own Fellowship. This AG-commissioned study found that fewer than one-quarter of practicing Christians display high levels of Bible engagement.

The curriculum Bible Engagement Project offers has been a blessing — not only to Lighthouse Outreach Center, but also to me personally. It has challenged and encouraged me to spend more time in Scripture and in God’s presence. I truly believe that is where we will find the answers to the problems we face today.

This article appears in the January–March 2021 edition of Influence magazine.

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