Why Missions Needs Missionaries

Doug Clay and Greg Mundis make the case for the indigenous-church missiology

George P Wood on August 27, 2018


This past summer, thousands of Assemblies of God churchgoers went on short-term missions trips. These trips often do much good. They certainly change the people who go on them for the better. But is it a good idea to shift a church’s missions strategy to short-term missions?

Similarly, churches are increasingly supporting “social justice” causes, such as anti-human trafficking initiatives and water well drilling, as an important part of missions. Granted, these are great causes, but are they missions?

In today’s episode of the Influence Podcast, Influence magazine Executive Editor George P. Wood talks with Doug Clay and Greg Mundis about what missions is and why there is a need for long-term missionaries. Doug Clay is general superintendent of the Assemblies of God (USA), and Greg Mundis is executive director of Assemblies of God World Missions.

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