When Is It OK to Delay a Decision?

Knowing when to embrace “not now”

Kent Ingle on November 5, 2018

There are certain choices you must make. Whether it’s deciding what to eat when you’re hungry, where to sleep when you’re tired, or what to wear for the occasion, those are simple, straightforward, everyday decisions. You make some of these calls so quickly and succinctly that you barely think about them.

But what about those not-so-everyday decisions, such as whether the job opportunity in front of you is the right one, whether to marry the person you’re dating, or how to approach retirement? Those decisions have implications that are deep and wide. They demand careful thought and attention, but a delay for too long will likely result in the opportunity passing you by.

There is a certain school of thought in leadership that action is better than inaction. While I generally agree with this, there are instances in which stepping back, building in time for reflection, and even waiting for the situation to evolve can be a wise choice.

Accepting “Not Now”

Sometimes “not now” is a legitimate choice. When my kids were young, they desperately wanted a new video game they saw advertised. They wanted it right then and there!

I heard about the game every time I stepped in the door. The problem was, it was close to Christmas. It didn’t make sense to buy that for them immediately when my wife and I could wait a month and make it part of our Christmas list.

While it was hard for the kids to understand, eventually they accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to buy the game for them on their timetable. We did get it for them for Christmas, and they loved the game as much as if they had gotten it the moment they asked.

So, when is “not now” the best decision? This can be a tricky one to figure out because you must be sure your intent is not to avoid a decision but to delay it. Here are some times when it may be best to wait:

It’s important to understand the difference between avoiding a decision and choosing “not now.”
  • You don’t have all the information you need. I’ve made most of my mistakes rushing to a decision. Take a deep breath, and make sure you have all the necessary details to make the best decision.
  • You don’t have everyone involved in the decision on board. Leaders lead people, not projects. You build people when you get their input on how to approach or accomplish something.
  • There’s no immediate consequence for delaying the decision. Even if it’s an important decision, the lack of an immediate consequence gives you some space to process and reflect before arriving at a decision.
  • You need to resolve another matter first. If the fuel line in your car is leaking, the fact that you need new tires isn’t relevant. Until you fix the fuel line, it wouldn’t make sense to replace the tires. Prioritization is important.
  • The situation is likely to resolve on its own. Many young leaders try to inject themselves into situations that would have resolved without their intervention. It takes wisdom to recognize when to wait and let an issue work itself out.

It’s important to understand the difference between avoiding a decision and choosing “not now.” Avoiding a decision is not accepting responsibility for what is in your purview of leadership. Choosing “not now” is a strategic decision that — with careful application — can be an effective leadership tactic.

Handling a “Not Now” Decision

It is also important to make every leadership decision within the proper context. “Not now” doesn’t mean you shove it to the back of the closet and forget it. Here are four steps for successfully working through your “not now” decision:

1. Consider keeping notes about your decision process. If you don’t think you’ll remember all the details, put them in writing — on paper or digitally. This allows you to reference your thoughts later on.

2. Set a future time to review the situation and your decision. Chances are, you’ll forget about the issue if you delay it indefinitely. The best way to avoid this is to put a date on your calendar to revisit it.

3. Pray about it. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Seek wisdom, insight, and guidance from the One who knows all things.

4. Clearly articulate your thinking to anyone else involved in the process. This is key to ensure you have alignment with the people around you, especially if they hold an interest in the situation itself.

Is there something on your desk right now that you are rushing toward a decision? Could you benefit from saying “not now” instead? It’s OK to delay a decision. A decision of “not now” can be just as effective and empowering as a “yes” or “no.” Just choose that option wisely; otherwise, you’ll fall into the decision-avoidance trap.

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