What Is ReStory Ministries?
An interview with Mike Newland about effective ministry to LGBT people
How should Spirit-filled churches respond to LGBT issues? I recently interviewed ReStory Ministries’ executive director, Mike Newland, about how that ministry equips Assemblies of God churches to answer that question with grace and clarity.
What is ReStory Ministries?
ReStory Ministries is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization endorsed by the Assemblies of God to equip AG churches and leaders to minister to people affected by homosexuality and gender confusion. Every member of our team is an active member of a local AG church.
We equip AG leaders so they can equip those they lead to minister to the people affected by these issues. We believe every church can be equipped, every family prepared, and every believer informed to respond with confidence, clarity, and compassion when faced with an LGBT friend or loved one.
What is the significance of the name?
Stories of transformation are central to what ReStory is about. Everyone on our team has been impacted by the issues of homosexuality or gender confusion in some way, but the Author of salvation interrupted our lives to rewrite our stories — from stories of bondage and brokenness to stories of freedom and transformation. We believe there are many more stories waiting to be told and that God is inviting His Church to be a part. Hence “ReStory”: God rewriting, restoring, redeeming lives.
How did it get started?
In 2000, God called our founder, Ginger Haan, to do all that she could to resource AG pastors to address homosexuality within their own congregations in a redemptive manner. For 15 years, Ginger provided a point of connection for AG leaders ministering to people impacted by homosexuality and gender confusion. In 2014, God led me to come alongside Ginger. (I first met Ginger in 2004.) We soon mobilized a leadership team, and in 2017, we officially launched as ReStory Ministries at General Council in Anaheim.
What’s the biggest mistake Christians make when talking about LGBT issues, and how can they correct that?
Many Christians start with talking about the morality of LGBT issues first. However, where we need to start is by zooming out and painting the Creator’s beautiful design for sexuality, starting from the very beginning (in Genesis 1 and 2) and reaffirmed and further explained throughout Scripture.
“We encourage people to relinquish all identities apart from Christ — LGBT or any other false identity — and to seek their true identity in Christ.”
— Mike Newland
Homosexuality and seeking to change one’s gender are biblically prohibited because they fall short of God’s perfect intentions for human sexuality and flourishing. They cannot image the oneness and diversity of God, or image Christ and the Church, in the way that only one man and one woman can in marriage.
In calling people out of sexual expressions that fall short of God’s intent, we are not merely calling them to refrain from something; we are calling them into a life of flourishing.
How do you disciple LGBT people?
We encourage people to focus on living as faithful followers of Christ rather than on outcomes. We are responsible for living lives of growing surrender and trust; God is responsible for bringing transformation. Change in attractions is a real possibility, as many of us have experienced, but not the pinnacle of transformation. The true miracle is a life redeemed by and yielded to Christ.
Every believer is called to put off the old and to put on the new (Ephesians 4:22–24). Therefore, we encourage people to relinquish all identities apart from Christ — LGBT or any other false identity — and to seek their true identity in Christ.
We also encourage people to seek out healthy relationships, especially with mature believers of the same gender who can support them in their pursuit of healing. Marriage is an option for some; deep, rich community is available to all.
Transformation does not mean a life void of temptation. In fact, we know that there will continue to be a battle between flesh and spirit (Galatians 5:17). Therefore, we need to help every believer live a Spirit-empowered life that helps them resist temptations and live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives (Galatians 5:16; Titus 2:11–14).
How do you help families with LGBT members?
We encourage families to be honest about the pain they are experiencing and to get support in processing through that pain. We also encourage them to do what they can to maintain and enjoy the relationship with their loved one. Their loved one’s sexual choices do not have to define the relationship. We encourage families to pray that God will do in their loved one what only He can do and to seek Him regarding if and when they should speak.
What resources do you provide churches on LGBT issues?
Our website is a great starting point, where we provide position papers and maintain an extensive list of recommended resources. In late 2020, we released the first videos of our Sexuality & Ministry Series, with AG leaders specifically in mind. We will be releasing the remaining videos throughout the year, covering topics like answering pro-gay theology and ministering to men and women dealing with same-sex attraction, among others. All of that can be found at restoryministries.org.
This year, we will also be working to develop our speakers bureau, district/network seminars, and our relational network of AG leaders already providing ministry to men and women impacted by same-sex attraction and gender confusion.
This article appears in the Winter 2021 issue of Called to Serve, the Assemblies of God Ministers Letter.
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