U.S. Missions: Partnering With the Church to Reach America
A Q&A with Malcolm Burleigh
Malcolm Burleigh is executive director of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions and a member of the AG Executive Leadership Team. He formerly served as senior director of Intercultural Ministries, and he led the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God from 2008–12. Burleigh also was senior pastor of Living Faith Assembly of God in Tampa, Florida, for 18 years. He is the author of Agenda-Driven or Assignment-Led?
INFLUENCE: How did you become a Christian and a minister?
BURLEIGH: I was 30 years old when I came into faith, after years of rejecting God and having a hard heart toward anything pertaining to the Church or the Bible. My hatred toward religion and God was so intense I stopped my wife and children from attending church. I made it clear to her I didn’t want a Bible or prayer in our home.
I gave my wife an ultimatum: Choose the church or choose me. She chose the church, which devastated me and began the process of God drawing me to himself.
Through an invitation from my young daughters, I attended a function at the church to see them in a performance. During the event, the pastor preached a sermon. God spoke to my heart, and I began to weep. God’s Spirit was beginning to work in my heart.
That next week, I found myself at the altar and surrendered my life to Christ. From that day, God gave me a desire to preach His Word.
Why does U.S. Missions matter?
The United States is the third largest mission field in the world, third only to China and India. The cities throughout our nation have become mission fields, where lost communities are in need of a Savior.
Immigrants and refugees are coming by the thousands, according to the plan and will of God.
God is raising up AG U.S. Missions to mobilize Kingdom laborers and to partner with the local church to make disciples in the challenging and neglected mission fields of America.
“The cities throughout our nation have become mission fields, where lost communities are in need of a Savior.”
— Malcolm Burleigh
What are the primary ministries of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions?
First is chaplaincy. Chaplains are widely known for their work in hospitals, prisons and the military. However, they also serve in 37 other specialized areas.
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries is changing the world through our college and university campuses. Currently, Chi Alpha is on 300-plus campuses across the United States.
U.S. Mission America Placement Service (U.S. MAPS) is a network of dedicated volunteers and associates who are involved in construction for churches, districts and centers.
Youth Alive evangelizes students in schools with the gospel of the Kingdom. Youth Alive is active on junior high, middle school, and high school campuses.
Intercultural Ministries raises up indigenous ministers of the gospel within the 15 ethnic communities we are reaching.
Adult and Teen Challenge is a residential program for individuals with life-controlling issues.
Finally, I oversee missionaries who have a specialized calling.
What are the greatest challenges U.S. missionaries face?
One is a lack of exposure and understanding of who we are in our Fellowship. We have missionaries, chaplains and project volunteers working to advance the Kingdom through specialized fields of ministry.
Through a greater knowledge of U.S. Missions, churches and districts can utilize our expertise to reach these specialized people groups.
What are some leadership lessons you’ve learned?
Here are a few:
- The health of the team is directly tied to the hearts of the team members.
- You can’t be in authority if you’re not under it.
- Any strength overextended becomes a weakness.
- Ministry never trumps family.
- You are not forsaking the team you lead by being loyal to the team you’re on.
- You may say you have my back, but I want you nowhere near my back if you don’t have my heart.
- Agenda-driven leaders focus on their autonomy; assignment-led leaders focus on God’s authority.
This article originally appeared in the November/December 2020 edition of Influence magazine.
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