Three Ways to Help Young Adults Overcome Uncertainty

Many graduates are anxious about beginning their careers

Kent Ingle on April 29, 2022

Many young adults are anxious about beginning their careers. With various opportunities in front of them (or lack thereof), they may not know what paths to take. Their options range from pursuing further education, looking for internships, or starting to work full time.

Some graduates may even fear the jobs they accept will forever lock them in place.

These types of questions are normal for young adults to have because their futures may be unknown. In fact, a study of 550 college graduates during COVID-19 showed that the less they could handle uncertainty, the more anxious graduates were regarding potential employment.

How can we help young adults feel more equipped to make important career decisions?

Below are three things young people can do to approach their futures with confidence and peace.


Discuss Their Concerns

Young adults anxious about their futures often do one of two things: they constantly think about the problem, or they refuse to talk about it. They may find themselves unable to focus on the present.

Other graduates to-be may completely ignore their upcoming decisions out of stress, and instead, choose to deal with them only when it becomes necessary.

We must help young people find a healthy middle ground between these extremes. The best way is to encourage them to discuss their plans and address their concerns with those they trust.

Having someone to talk to about their ideas and share their concerns with can help relieve stress. It can bring clarity to their options, helping young adults confront anxieties and be at peace with their decisions.

Although young adults need to discuss their fears with others, they should remember their first responsibility is to Christ.

Psalm 37:4-5 tells us “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will do this.”

Encourage young people to pray for direction and wisdom as they look toward the future. Shifting their focus back on Christ can help remove pressure and remind them their futures are ultimately in His hands.

By being obedient to Christ, graduates can trust He will guide
and sustain them throughout their lives.

By being obedient to Christ, graduates can trust He will guide and sustain them throughout their lives.


Know There is Not One Right Decision

Many young adults may feel like there is only one right career choice. They can be afraid a wrong decision will set them up for failure.

It is important to remind graduates there is not just one correct decision. There may be many different opportunities beneficial for their future careers.

A first job is not always lifelong. Many people change fields over the span of their careers, including myself. I started out as a sports broadcaster. While I loved my career, I felt God call me into ministry.

I was a pastor for many years before I moved into higher education. I may have never gained my experience or met so many people if I had not changed careers.

Colossians 3:17 reminds us, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Young adults can glorify God in whatever they do and should not be focused on finding one right option.

Although graduates can take steps to prepare for the future, ultimately, they need to be content with their decisions and trust God will use them wherever they go. He may even lead them into careers and positions far beyond what they could have imagined.


Take it One Day at a Time

Young adults may think they need to have their futures completely planned out. And, when they do not, graduates can become consumed with worry, which can cause them to miss out on the present.

We should remind young people that it is important to do what they can now to prepare for the future. Encourage them to apply for continued education opportunities, polish resumes, submit applications, and attend interviews.

But preparation should not keep young people from living in the moment.

The best thing young adults can do about the future is give their concerns to Christ. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

We must encourage young people to take their lives one day at a time, giving their worries and stresses to God. We can share with them how God knows their futures. When young adults come to God, they can trust His promise to always give them peace and walk alongside them.

No amount of planning can fully prepare young adults; only God knows the future. Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”

Though young adults do not know what their lives will look like, they can go into their careers with boldness and peace knowing God does.

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