Three Benefits of Increasing Your Church’s Missions Giving

Get ready to grow in these areas in 2019

Influence Magazine on December 20, 2018

Scripture tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). And this season of giving is a good time to think about the greatest gift we can give anyone: an opportunity to hear the gospel.

As you look ahead to the coming year, consider challenging your church to increase its missions giving. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 9:6 that “whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” But the blessings of giving go far beyond a monetary return on investment.

Giving affects your church’s impact and influence around the world, the discipleship and commitment of your people, and the strength of your ministry efforts. Here are three benefits of increasing your church’s missions giving in the coming year:

1. Your influence will grow. Missions joins us to something greater than ourselves. The work of God is not limited to our backyard. It reaches around the globe. When we give to missions, we come alongside the workers in the field, wherever they are.

Missions requires faith — from those who go and from those who support them.

By increasing missions giving, your church can connect to even more ministries in more locations. And that connection will broaden your congregation’s perspective and increase your influence.

2. Your faith will grow. There are many expenditures in your church budget that have immediate, visible results. A building fund leads to something people can see and touch. But the results of missions giving are not always so obvious.

Missions requires faith — from those who go and from those who support them. As your church body gives, they are sowing into the Kingdom, believing God will fulfill His promises and bring about an eternal harvest.

Congregants are obeying God’s Word by participating in the Great Commission. They are helping others answer God’s call to go and preach the gospel where perhaps the individual members of your church could not go. All of this will help stretch and mature your congregation’s faith.

3. Your generosity will grow. Generosity is not about a dollar amount; it’s about motivation. If God is leading you to increase your church’s missions giving, share this with the congregation. Invite them to join you in this exciting and rewarding journey.

Keep people updated on how their giving is making a difference in the field. This will encourage them to keep growing in generosity.

Missions work is only one aspect of the Church in the world. But it is a powerful expression of God’s love for every person on earth. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow in giving and in grace in 2019.

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