The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leadership

8 insights on leadership from the Book of Acts

Throughout Scripture, we see the work of the Holy Spirit. He was active in creation, and He spoke through the prophets of the Old Testament. Jesus promised He would comfort and counsel, and on the Day of Pentecost, 120 received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Book of Acts, we see the extraordinary works He did in the Early Church and through the apostles.

The Holy Spirit’s activity and influence is undeniable, and His presence and empowerment in the lives of Jesus’ followers are essential. But there’s one area in which we often fail to consider the Holy Spirit’s influence. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in leadership?

The Holy Spirit’s presence and influence in your day-to-day leadership can make an extraordinary difference. In the Book of Acts, we see how the Holy Spirit worked in some of the most practical leadership issues. That’s the focus of this edition of Make It Count. We will explore the following eight ways in which the Holy Spirit is involved in leadership:

The Holy Spirit’s presence and influence in your day-to-day leadership can make an extraordinary difference.
  • The Holy Spirit Shapes Leadership Development
  • The Holy Spirit Empowers Leaders With Boldness
  • The Holy Spirit Gives Leaders Wisdom
  • The Holy Spirit Provides Strength in Leadership Storms
  • The Holy Spirit Prompts Leaders to Have Strategic Conversations
  • The Holy Spirit Guides Leaders
  • The Holy Spirit Helps Leaders Resolve Conflicts
  • The Holy Spirit Gives Courage to Lead out of Your Comfort Zone

Author Francis Chan observed, “We all have to answer the question: Do I want to lead or be led by the Spirit?”

Before you read and discuss each lesson, why not start with a simple prayer: “Holy Spirit, lead my leadership.”

This eight-week study, which appears in the November/December 2018 issue of Influence magazine, is now available online as a free download. Church leaders can print multiple complimentary copies of this resource and use it to promote development, spark discussion and inspire vision among team members.

The online resource also includes a fill-in-the-blank guide for team members to use as they follow along with the studies.

Adapted from the November/December 2018 edition of Influence magazine.

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