The Art of Margin

Living like a leader

Mike Quinn on August 19, 2015


This article originally appeared in the August/September 2015 issue of Influence magazine. For more fresh print content, subscribe here.

Recently I was working with a kindergartner named Sally on an art project. As she painted a piece of paper, she had trouble controlling her brush and also ended up "painting" half the table. I explained that if she imagined an invisible space between her art and the end of the paper, it would help her. I told Sally that the imaginary space is a "margin." Sally responded, "Oh, but Pastor Mike, I like to use up all the paper!"

Similar desires can keep us from preserving margin in ministry. Our hunger to serve with all our hearts can push us to the edge of "using up all the paper" rather than putting healthy limits around our time, treasure and talents. I am definitely a "struggling artist" when it comes to maintaining margin in my life as a pastor, but three strokes of the brush have helped me.

1. Delegate more, and watch your span of care as a leader and coach. As Robert Coleman reminds us, "Jesus didn't neglect the masses but concentrated on the few."

2. Find a hobby or activity you love that feeds you physically, emotionally and spiritually. Build it into your schedule without guilt. I discovered surfing in college, and it feeds my life.

3. Schedule margin daily, weekly, monthly and annually. Keep the fourth commandment. Oh, and never come back from a vacation without having the next one on your calendar.

Margin is an art involving choices between the good, the better and the best. Guarding it will definitely help with choosing the best - and making less of a mess.



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