The Acts 2 Journey Cohort and Acts 2 Church Survey

Tools for transformation

Influence Magazine on July 31, 2019

The Acts 2 Journey Cohort is a transformative process led by an experienced team to help you fulfill the vision to strengthen your church spiritually, numerically and relationally.

Join with a team of leaders from your church for a series of four weekend retreats over the course of a year to pray, dream and strategize about your church’s future.

We help you discover the answers to these 10 questions:

  1. Why do we exist?
  2. Where are we going?
  3. How should we behave?
  4. How will we get there?
  5. How will we engage new people?
  6. How will we treat them when they arrive?
  7. How will we disciple them?
  8. How will we train them to serve?
  9. How will we involve them in missions, both locally and globally?
  10. How will we help them encounter God?

For more information, visit

Acts 2 Church Survey

During the summer of 2018, the Acts 2 Journey released the Acts 2 Church Survey. This new tool, the culmination of research and design efforts spanning the previous five years, now allows churches to measure their Spirit-empowered health using a fully validated survey instrument.

“While we’ve been helping churches develop vision and strategies through the Acts 2 Journey for several years now, we needed a means of measuring both current reality and the progress being made in developing health and Spirit-empowered life in a local congregation,” states Alton Garrison, director of the Acts 2 Journey.

“The Acts 2 Church Survey assesses what have proven to be the four components most critical to church health — Community Engagement, Conflict Resolution, Spirit-Empowered Worship, and the ‘Go’ focus for every believer,” explains Mike Clarensau, research coordinator for the Acts 2 Journey and the survey’s developer.

“We have known for some time that lost vision in the pew is the principle cause of congregational plateau and the inward focus that typically follows will bring decline. It’s no surprise to us that ‘outward focus’ dominates the path to health for a Spirit-empowered congregation.”

The survey assesses eight additional areas that impact church health and provides a report filled with recommended strategies for addressing each of the results revealed. Additionally, survey questions are included that provide the pastor with insights into his or her congregation’s grasp of various doctrines and biblical values.

The Acts 2 Church Survey is available in digital format at

This article was adapted from the July/August 2019 edition of Influence magazine.

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