Read the May/June 2019 Issue Online Now
The digital version of Influence is available
The complete May/June 2019 issue of Influence magazine is now available online.
In the cover story, Sam Chand explains why God’s grace is crucial to understanding your identity as a minister and Christ follower.
Through her article, Joy Qualls makes a compelling case that talking about women as ministry leaders matters to the memories of those who paved the way, to women who seek to lead today, and to future generations.
We hope this issue blesses and encourages you as you take the gospel to your community.
A 40-year ministry veteran, Frank Damazio understands that building thriving, healthy churches requires strategic leaders who are strategic thinkers making strategic changes. In “Strategic Church Leadership,” he unpacks what that looks like.
The Get Set profile features an interview with Paul and Christina Hanfere, co-pastors of Overflow City Church (Assemblies of God) near Washington, D.C.
The Multipliers section highlights four Dream Centers across the nation and the people who are serving them, including Matthew Barnett, co-founder and director of the LA Dream Center and senior pastor of Angelus Temple in Los Angeles; Paul Palmer, executive director of the Atlanta Dream Center in Georgia; Jody Dow, executive director of the Springfield Dream Center in Missouri; and Ernest Clover, executive director of the DC Dream Center in the nation’s capital.
This issue of Influence includes all this and more. We hope it blesses and encourages you as you take the gospel to your community.
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