
 the shape of leadership

Pre-Election Prayer for the Church and Nation

Prayer points to consider when guiding your fellowship through this season

Influence Magazine on October 13, 2016

As leaders, we have tremendous influence over our congregations, whether or not we always feel like that’s the case. And in a tumultuous season, we must keep one thing in mind: Prayer changes things.

Leadership at The General Council of the Assemblies of God has provided a variety of prayer points that focus on the Church and the nation in this time. Pray these over your fellowship today:

Prayer for the Testimony of the Church

  • Pray that the Church will remain focused on eternal values and priorities, unmoved by a self-centered world.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict the Church of any unrighteousness in action or attitude, and that believers will recommit to practicing righteousness.
  • Pray that Christians will seek God for a deeper walk with Him and greater empowerment for service through the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray that believers will develop a stronger passion for studying God’s Word and living its truth before the world.
  • Pray that believers will develop a greater desire for prayer, and strengthen their commitment to seek God for spiritual renewal in their lives, families, communities, and nation.

Prayer for Revival in the Nation

  • Pray that individuals in increasing numbers will respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit and begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that our nation will develop an ever-increasing hunger to experience God, leading to a reverence and respect for His righteousness and standards for living.
  • Pray for peace and unity among all citizens, that dissension and incivility throughout our society will dissolve away as people begin to experience and practice the love of Christ.
  • Pray that unity and civility will dominate the election process, and that honest discourse about issues will replace harsh personal attacks.
  • Pray specifically for the following elections occurring in your state and community:
    • President
    • U. S. Senate and U. S. House of Representatives
    • Governor
    • State Senate and State House of Representatives
    • City and County Government
    • State and Local Ballot Initiatives 
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