Nine Ways to Engage with Your Community

Practical ideas for demonstrating Christlike compassion

Influence Magazine on July 11, 2018

  1. Conduct a needs-based audit of the community.
  2. Research poverty, education, the percentage of single-parent households, the elderly population, crime, drug abuse, etc., in your community. Then invite the Holy Spirit to guide your response.
  3. Investigate what ministries and social services already exist in your community that your church can support.
  4. Get acquainted with the mayor, police chief, city council members and others who are working to improve the community.
  5. Support various community efforts (e.g., blood drives, food collections, cleanups, etc.).
  6. Appoint a “civic representative” for the church who attends city council and school board meetings and reports back to the congregation.
  7. Ask God to inspire churchgoers to start ministries that will meet physical and spiritual needs. Invest in helping them learn best practices.
  8. Conduct outreaches (e.g., adopt-a-block, food distribution, etc.). Ask other churches to participate. Invite the news media and community leaders to attend.
  9. Encourage congregants to pray for the poor and suffering by highlighting requests in church services.

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2018 edition of Influence magazine.

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