Ministry of Reconciliation
Alex and Angela Bryant are talking about race and pointing others to Christ
Alex Bryant, founder and president of Alex Bryant Ministries, serves as student life coordinator for the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri. He and his wife, Angela Bryant, have been in ministry together since 2004 and are co-authors of Let’s Start Again: A Biracial Couple’s View on Race, Racial Ignorance, and Racial Insensitivity.
Alex and Angela Bryant are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year. They are also marking the launch of their new book.
A few years ago, they posted a poignant video online about their relationship and racial issues. Instead of choosing sides, they urged reconciliation. The video spread rapidly on social media. But beyond bringing the Bryants a brief taste of internet fame, it has led to new ministry opportunities.
“When God gave us that video, we started to receive a lot of speaking engagements to talk about race,” Alex Bryant says. “It touched people’s hearts, but we need to go beyond that.”
Being a biracial couple has opened doors for conversations about what the Bible teaches on race.
“When you get to the end of the New Testament, heaven is going to be full of people from all tribes, all nations, and all colors.”
— Alex Bryant
“We’ve found that just being seen together automatically defuses some of the anxiety people have as we talk about these tough issues,” Angela Bryant says.
The two were friends in their church youth group long before they started dating. Race was never an issue for either of them when they became a couple. But they soon realized many others saw their relationship differently.
“I had people tell me it would be difficult for us to find a ministry position because we were a biracial couple,” Angela Bryant says.
Some of her husband’s family members had concerns as well.
“His cousins took me aside once to explain some things to me,” Angela Bryant says. “They wanted to make sure I was aware of the differences in cultures, not just in our families.”
Those differences have only enrichened their life together — and provided a unique platform for sharing God’s truth.
“Our ministry has been about discipling people,” Angela Bryant says. “Now it seems that the focus has been helping people realize that this path to racial reconciliation is part of our discipleship process.”
The two point out that reconciliation is at the heart of discipleship. When sinners turn to God, they are reconciled to Him. God then calls them to reconcile with one another. That includes a racial component some have never considered.
“We believe you cannot be a disciple unless you are reconciled with your fellow man,” Alex Bryant says. “God told Abraham that he would bless all nations through his children, the Israelites. When you get to the end of the New Testament, heaven is going to be full of people from all tribes, all nations, and all colors.”
God’s redemptive plan may not begin with racial reconciliation, but it must include it. And when it does, the Kingdom of God advances.
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