
 the shape of leadership

Leadership Lessons of Boko Haram Survivors

What Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu overcame is evidence of God’s faithfulness.

Kent Ingle on July 11, 2022

Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu made international news in 2014. Among the more than 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria, their story is often remembered with the international campaign “#BringBackOurGirls.” For Joy and Lydia, what they overcame is evidence of God’s faithfulness in their lives.

Three years after the incident, the pair arrived at Southeastern University to pursue higher education. I have had the privilege of occupying a front-row seat to see how God is using their testimonies for good.

Below are three leadership lessons we can learn from these inspiring young women.


Listening to God’s Voice

Opposition can derail what God has designed for our lives. When the adversity we face becomes catastrophic or life-threatening, it may even hinder our faith.

When I think about great suffering, I’m reminded of Job. Although Job experienced the loss of his children and livelihood, he remained steadfast in his faith. Job allowed moments of opposition to be opportunities for God to speak to him. Job 36:15 says, “But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.”

Waking them up in the middle of the night, Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls from their boarding school in Chibok, Nigeria, and loaded them into trucks. Joy and Lydia were able to escape early on by jumping out of the moving vehicles.

While being transported away, Joy and Lydia both heard God speak to them. Before the incident, Joy did not have a personal relationship with Christ. She recalls making a deal with God that if He saved her, Joy would follow Him for the rest of her life. That is when she heard God tell her to jump out of the truck.

Lydia, too, heard a similar voice, and she knew God had a plan for her life. God spoke to both girls during a tragic situation, and they were willing to take a literal leap of faith.

As leaders, we will face moments of tragedy that can alter what God has intended for our lives. It’s critical that we don’t let our feelings overpower what God has to say to us in those moments. 


Fulfilling God’s Plan During Persecution

While we are experiencing great heartache or opposition, it is difficult to hold onto what God has promised for our lives. We may even find ourselves doubting God or what He has called us to do.

We read in Job that while he lost everything, his friends started to condemn him and blamed his sinfulness for what happened. Job didn’t allow the circumstances he encountered to define his faith. Job 19:25 says, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

We cannot allow opposition, suffering or persecution to keep us from what God has planned for our lives.

The terrorist organization threatened students that they could never go back to school. In fact, Boko Haram means “Western education is forbidden.”

For some time after they escaped, Joy and Lydia had no aspirations of pursuing their studies.

However, a congresswoman from the U.S. approached Joy and Lydia and presented them with the opportunity to study in America. The first question they asked if it was safe.

Joy and Lydia went on to graduate from high school in Oregon and earned their bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Southeastern. They had to courageously confront their fears of being back in a classroom.

At their undergraduate commencement ceremony, Joy said in an interview, “Nothing can stop me, no matter what. I’m going to get this degree, and nobody can stop me.”

Going back to school was difficult. Joy and Lydia still have nightmares from that traumatic event in Nigeria. But, they know God has a plan for their lives. Lydia recited Romans 8:28 saying, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

We cannot allow opposition, suffering or persecution to keep us from what God has planned for our lives. And, when we face hardships, we need to remind ourselves of His promises.


Using Our Testimonies to Share God’s Goodness

Our testimonies can be powerful and uplifting for fellow believers. In trials, it can be difficult to see God present in our situation. But one day, when we look back, we will discover how God was always right there beside us.

At the end of Job’s story (Chapter 42), we read how God “restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before” (verse 10). Job’s experience gives us a glimpse of God’s blessings when we remain rooted in faith and in His plan for our lives.

Lydia characterizes her story as “grace” because God used something tragic and turned it into good.

“God put me in a position to help people with my story,” said Lydia. “Everything started with a leap of faith. God didn’t want me to just jump out of the truck. He wanted me to continue my education in America.”

In addition, Lydia talks about the many opportunities she and Joy have been given to share their story with the United Nations, International Christian Concern, and Human Rights Watch. Even in rooms with national leaders and diplomats, Joy and Lydia have boldly talked about how God is the One who saved them from tragedy.

For Joy, telling her story has also been to advocate for others, stating, “I share my story to be a voice for the girls who are still missing.”

Our testimonies can be painful, especially when we have gone through many struggles. Yet, by doing so, God can use our story to minister to and encourage someone else.

In everything, Joy and Lydia have been grateful for the opportunities God has given them. After graduating with a master’s degree, Lydia plans to work for a nonprofit organization and study for the LSAT so she can eventually enroll in law school to become a human rights and international attorney.

Joy plans to work in a hospital setting as a social worker. Eventually, she would like to start a nonprofit organization in Nigeria to support those affected by Boko Haram.

I’ve heard Joy and Lydia’s story several times. Every time they tell it, God speaks to me in a different way. We need the bravery of these two young ladies to share our testimonies and never let our circumstances alter what God has designed for our lives.
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