How to Make Big Decisions Wisely

Dr. Alan Ehler outlines the Story Shaping approach to decision-making

George P Wood on March 31, 2020


How do you make big decisions?” asks Dr. Alan Ehler. “Making a bad decision can cost a lot. Making no decision can cost even more.”

In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I’m talking to Ehler about the topic of how to make big decisions wisely, which also happens to be the title of his new book, published by Zondervan. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.

Dr. Alan Ehler is a professor and dean of Barnett College of Ministry and Theology at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. A former pastor and ordained Assemblies of God minister, he is a lifelong student of the art and science of decision making.

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