How Should Christians Think about Marijuana Legalization?

Phil Steiger and Chad Graham have a few thoughts, based on their experience as pastors in Colorado

George P Wood on November 5, 2018


According to an Oct. 8, 2018, Pew Research Center report, 62 percent of Americans believe that marijuana use should be legal. That represents a doubling of public support for pot legalization since 2000, and a quintupling since 1969.

Although the federal government still classifies marijuana as a prohibited drug, nine states and the District of Columbia permit its use. On Election Day 2018, several other states will consider referenda to legalize recreational and/or medical marijuana usage.

How should Christians think about these things?

That’s the question Influence magazine Executive Editor George P. Wood explores with Phil Steiger and Chad Graham in Episode 158 of the Influence Podcast.

Steiger and Graham are ordained Assemblies of God ministers and pastors of Living Hope Church and University Assembly, respectively. Both churches are located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Centennial State was the first in the union to legalize recreational pot.

To hear more of their thoughts about a Christian view of marijuana use and legalization, check out their Thinker Sensitive Podcast series.


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