Four Reasons to Prioritize Evangelism at Christmas
Don’t miss the opportunity to share the good news this season
It’s not yet December, but your church has likely already made plans for Christmas. While you finalize the music performances, the set decorations, and your sermon, don’t forget to include an evangelistic element in your service.
Though evangelism is the last thing on the minds of many church leaders at Christmas, it should be top priority. One thing we should dial up going into this season is a sensitivity to the Spirit. Here are four reasons Christmas is a great time for ushering new believers into the kingdom of God:
1. Attendance Is High
Easter and Christmas are the highest-attended church services of the year. In fact, they may be the only services of the year for some attendees. There are even jokes about this phenomenon. Have you ever heard of a CEO Christian? That stands for “Christmas and Easter Only.”
Instead of making light of it, embrace it. Sure, you may have guests who attend out of a sense of obligation, tradition or cultural pressure. That’s OK. God wants people to hear the truth and experience life transformation, regardless of their motivation for showing up.
2. Your Church Is Highly Visible
Did you decorate the church’s signage or exterior? Maybe you included your church’s name in the local directory of Christmas services. All of those things lead to higher visibility.
Pray that God will speak to people’s hearts through the message of hope they encounter.
You should expect that visibility to attract newcomers. There are people in your community who are looking for a church service to attend this Christmas. Don’t miss the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
3. People Love Traditions
Most people enjoy traditions, especially around the holidays. Americans have all kinds of Christmas traditions, from when they decorate their trees to where they shop and what they bake.
Many people in your community likely have memories of going to church at Christmastime, even if they haven’t attended in years. They may see your services as a way to rekindle this tradition — or start a brand-new one. Pray that God will speak to their hearts through the message of hope they encounter.
4. Jesus Is on Everybody’s Mind
From music to movies to decorations, Jesus is on display at Christmas. And He should be! After all, it is the celebration of His birth. Many holiday TV shows, movies, greeting cards and songs mention Jesus. Look around your community, and you’ll likely see nativity scenes and other decorations highlighting the birth of Christ.
While driving, shopping or eating out, lost people in your community are seeing and hearing these messages. When they attend your services, provide a clear explanation of the Christmas story and the spiritual realities behind all those references to Jesus coming to earth.
This year, commit to using your Christmas services as a way to evangelize those who still need to hear the gospel. After all, it is “the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone” (Luke 2:10, ESV).
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