Five Things That Can Steal Your Momentum

Watch out for these pitfalls

Brian Dollar on November 12, 2018

We all love those moments in ministry when everything seems to be clicking. The team is rocking, the place is growing, the numbers are climbing, and the morale is as high as it’s ever been.

Momentum in ministry is something we shouldn’t take for granted. After all, we never know how long it will last. We naturally want to make the most of momentum and capitalize on it. But if we become careless, we could lose this opportunity. Here are five things that can quickly steal your momentum in ministry:

1. Pride

When you start believing you are the reason for the momentum, the wheels will soon come off. Although it’s true that strong leadership contributes to momentum, no leader can bring about momentum for an organization without help. Above all, give God the glory. And give your team members the credit they deserve.

2. Conflict

With momentum comes growth. When an organization grows quickly, it pushes the existing systems to the limits, creating stress and strain. This tension often leads to conflict.

When you start believing you are the reason for the momentum, the wheels will soon come off.

Don’t overlook the importance of dealing with this. When you sense tension or conflict arising, resolve it biblically (Matthew 18:15-17). Do not allow negative feelings to fester.

3. Laziness

Success comes more easily when you have momentum. It can be tempting to lay back and let the momentum do the work. When things are going great, we all have a tendency to spend a little less time in planning, vision casting, and organization.

Don’t go down that road. Complacency will slow your momentum.

4. Sin

Momentum brings growth. Growth brings more work. As life gets busier, it is easy to let our personal prayer and spiritual time fall away.

When you allow that to happen, you open the door for temptation. Nothing will put the brakes on momentum like sin in the lives of the leadership team. Don’t wait until you notice a problem; prevent it. Make prayer and Bible study non-negotiable priorities in your life, and encourage your team members to do the same.

5. Stagnation

The world around us is changing rapidly. Ministry today doesn’t look like it did 10 years ago. Organizations that fail to look ahead and anticipate change will soon fall behind. The message of the gospel never changes, but if we fail to show people how it applies to their lives today, momentum isn’t the only thing we will lose.

Momentum is a wonderful thing — a precious gift from God. Don’t squander it. Be aware of these momentum busters, and keep moving forward for the Kingdom.

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