Setting the Table for Meaningful Mentoring
Consider what you have to bring to the table, and serve wisdom wisely
A great meal doesn’t happen by accident. Someone works hard to think through the menu, invite the right people, prepare the food, and see to the details that make the meal special–right down to setting the table.
My sister is a chef in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in the beautiful Tetons. She and her crew go to great lengths to make the table as beautiful as possible. They insist that the right things, put in the right places, make all the difference. Meaningful mentoring requires the right things to be brought to the table as well.
You as the mentor bring to the table:
1. Experience. Your experience is of immeasurable value to your younger staff members. No price tag can be put on what you can offer as the one who has traveled a little farther in life.
2. Competency. It’s important that you mentor in the areas of your gifts and strengths. This isn’t about perfection, but the integrity of being good at what you do before you teach others.
3. Heart. True concern and compassion for the person you mentor is essential. Quality life-changes come less from mechanics and more from human connection.
4. Availability. Nothing replaces time together in the moments that really count.
5. Faith. Good mentors see in the younger staff member potential the staff member has not yet seen.
The staff member being mentored brings to the table:
1. Desire. The staff member must truly want to be mentored.
2. Capacity. The staff member must have the ability to grow in the agreed-on areas of mentoring.
3. Teachable spirit. The staff member must be open and receptive to learning and possess the attitude of a good student.
With these elements, the table is set for a wonderful, balanced, memorable meal. Bon Appetit.
This article was originally printed in Enrichment Journal and has been used with permission. For more on this topic, see "Giving Directions to Younger Staff".
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