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Community Outreach and Gen Z

How to involve today’s young people

Kent Ingle on October 7, 2024

Despite the importance of community outreach, a recent study reveals that 60% of pastors feel they are “not very” or “not at all” effective in reaching their neighbors.

Community outreach can include everything from hosting family-friendly events and advocating for local reform to telling others about Jesus and practically assisting those in need — something Scripture continually instructs us to do.

While most pastors believe that community outreach is essential, only 2 out of 5 feel their churches are at least somewhat effective in reaching their neighborhoods or cities.

What can we do about this disconnect? The answer may lie with Generation Z.

Barna’s research identified a new group of Gen Zers: justice-motivated teenagers who “are motivated by the Bible not only to do good work, but to grow in their faith and relationship to Jesus.” Remarkably, approximately 70% of these teens want to help those in need and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Encouraging our Gen Zers to participate in outreaches by our churches, we can reach  communities like never before. But how?

There are at least three ways we can work with Gen Z to serve our communities.



If we want to encourage Gen Z members to reach their communities, we need to start with a biblical foundation.

Throughout His ministry, Christ highlighted the importance of being centered on His Word. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus compared those who “hear my words and put them into practice” to a wise man who built his home’s foundation on rock, for when storms came, the house could not be shaken (Luke 6:47-48).

By teaching our students to stay rooted in God’s Word, we help them build a strong foundation which cannot be shaken by the world or circumstance — and enable them to make an impact in their communities.

Barna’s research refers to these students as Bible-engaged teens. These teenagers have a high view of the Bible and read it several times a week. Even more than the justice-motivated teens, they have a strong desire to make a difference in their communities.

A staggering 81% believe the Bible motivates them to do just that — with 84% believing it teaches them how to live a meaningful life and understand their purpose.

It’s our responsibility to educate students about what the Bible says and how it pertains to their lives, their relationship with Christ, and their relationships with others. We need to teach them how to personally engage with God’s Word and show them the importance of meditating on it daily.

While doing so, we will enable the next generation to have a strong biblical foundation, which in turn, will help these young people reach others for Christ.



Today, most teens around the world view Christ positively. Many report seeing Him as being loving, caring about people, and offering hope.

In the U.S., nearly 8 out of 10 teenagers are very or somewhat motivated to learn about Jesus — so it’s crucial we encourage young people to be open and willing to share their faith with those around them. One of the best ways to do so is by sharing experiences of how Christ has impacted their lives.

Encouraging Gen Z members to participate in community outreach is more than just a way to get them involved — it’s equipping the next generation to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Throughout Psalms, David highlights the importance of sharing what God has done with others. In Psalm 40:10, David writes, “I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly.”

Barna found that an overwhelming 97% of committed Christian teens strongly or somewhat believe their relationship with Jesus brings them deep joy and satisfaction.

Encourage your church’s Gen Z students to start by being open with their friends as to how Christ has impacted their lives when the opportunity arises. If Jesus has given them peace when they were anxious, helped them get a job, or comforted them when they lost a loved one, encourage them to share it!

Our teens don’t need to have all the right words to say — they can just be honest about how Christ has made a difference in their lives and made himself real to them.



Next, we need to encourage our teens to act by going out into our communities. There are several ways we can reach our communities. However, both pastors and justice-motivated Christian teens agree that meeting practical needs is one of the best ways to do so.

Barna found that 64% of pastors believe the Church’s role involves practically assisting those in need. Similarly, 75% of justice-motivated teens believe the Bible encourages them to take care of those who need help.

God instructs us to help the poor and needy throughout Scripture. In Matthew 25, He tells those who fed the hungry, clothed the needy, and visited the sick and imprisoned that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (verses 34-40).

Start by inviting your teenagers to help reach their local community. Ask them to think of people they may know who need practical assistance, whether it be food, clothing, or housing, and work with them to brainstorm ideas on how to help.

As a church, you can then begin practically meeting those needs with your Gen Zers, opening the door to pray and minister to your community, making a difference for Christ.

Encouraging Gen Z members to participate in community outreach is more than just a way to get them involved —  it’s equipping the next generation to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Their passion for Christ and desire to make a difference in the world can also serve as a source of inspiration for us and our congregations.

Together, let’s begin serving and loving our communities, and see the impact Christ can have in our nation.
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