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Most Dads Say They Spend Too Little Time With Their Kids

One in 4 fathers live apart from their children

Influence Magazine on February 20, 2018

Most fathers in the U.S. (63 percent) say they spend too little time with their children, according to a recent survey from Pew Research Center.

A much smaller percentage of mothers (35 percent) say they personally don’t spend enough time with their kids.

Among fathers who say they spend too little time with the kids, 62 percent cite work obligations as the main reason, while 20 percent say it’s because they don’t live with their children. Another 15 percent say their children are too busy with other activities.

Every kid deserves the stability that comes from having an involved dad in their lives.”         — Mark Entzminger

About 1 in 4 dads with kids aged 17 or younger live apart from one or more of their children. About half of black fathers live apart from their minor children, compared to 26 percent of Hispanic and 17 percent of white fathers.

Education plays a role in the amount of time fathers spend with their children. Dads with at least a bachelor’s degree are less likely to live apart from their children (8 percent) and more likely to say they spend enough time with them (47 percent).

Overall, 36 percent of dads, and 53 percent of moms, express satisfaction with the amount of time they spend with their children.

Mark Entzminger, senior director of children’s ministries for the Assemblies of God, says fathers plays a crucial role in their children’s emotional and spiritual development.

“Every kid deserves the stability that comes from having an involved dad in their lives,” says Entzminger, a father of two. “It’s not about spending a lot of money on trips and activities.

“It’s the little things — helping with homework, praying together, showing up for piano recitals, and tossing a football in the yard — that can make all the difference for a child.”

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